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How To Reset an Assessment

This guide will show the steps to reset an assessment.

How to Reset An Assessment

Please note: If training has been purchased on behalf of staff then automatic resets may already be active on the account. The course will be automatically reset after the user logs out and in of the LMS. Individuals that have purchased from the website will have automatic resets already active.

If you are an employee who hasn't been set up with automatic resets then you will need to contact your Training Manager who will need to request this feature via email support@train4academy.co.uk to help assist with a reset.

  • From the TMS dashboard hover over the Users tab which will display a drop-down menu.
  • Click onto Users on the drop-down menu to open the User search page.
  • Use either options below or a combination to find the user in the Blue Search Box:
Input the Users Forename in the Search bar and click Search.
Input the Users Surname in the Search bar and click Search.
Input the Users Username in the Search bar and click Search.

Please note: Available users will appear in the grey table beneath the blue search box. If the user has not been registered on the TMS, the student will need to be created.

  • Click on the required user from the grey table beneath the blue search box.
  • This will bring up the User Details page.
  • All courses assigned to the user will be displayed in a grey table at the bottom of the page.
  • This table will display a quick overview the progress for each course under the header progress.
  • Click a Course title for further information regarding a course progress.
  • This will open a new page called User Content Report.
  • Once the page has loaded find the table on the right titled Course Status (Sessions)
  • At the bottom of the table, find name of course – Assessment
  • Along side this will be the progress icons. When a user has failed the assessment, the icon will be red filled circle with an X in the centre.
  • There will be section labelled Reset Failed Certificate in a green box.
  • Click the button Reset. Once clicked the icon will change to a blue circle outline with a blue dot in the centre indicating this is now set to accessed
  • You have now performed a reset of an assessment.